This isn't really a game, but more of a non-working prototype walking-simulator, haha. Definitely doesn't qualify for the jam, but I wanted to submit something for the time I spent <3 

This is my first ever project, so please be patient with the state of it, lol <3 I could not get the UI to be totally centered- it is not a stylistic choice, but an issue I couldn't solve. Also the Age button ages the one plant currently placed in game, and is not connected to the world timer, nor is sleeping. 

**Originally had resources in like rocks and trees to break, but I just couldn't get my Resource Node script to connect to my items and drop pickups, so half of the stuff I was working on up to the end just didn't work (item interactions, equipping, harvesting and mining) :c So I had to release as is for now and I'm still working on it!


WASD - movement

E - interact with objects/items (Tip: Press E while at the staircase in the players house to sleep!)

I - Inventory (To put something in your hotbar, go into your inventory and click "assign". This will be changed later.)


Godot 4's HTML5 exports currently cannot run on macOS and iOS due to upstream bugs with SharedArrayBuffer and WebGL 2.0. If you are using Mac (as I am), please download the "" file, and once the file is decompressed on your mac, open the index.dmg file within the folder, and click on "Snail-Scape" in the application popup window. If it will not open because of the Mac permissions, right click the file and press "Open", and now the popup will have an Open button instead of just giving you the error and sending you on your way.


Pixivan's Forest Pack 

Penzilla's Hooded Protagonist (with personal edits made to make a top-down style work for the character)

Penzilla's Interior Pack

Butter Milk's Tiny Wonder Farming Pack 

Dorkydactyl's Snails (Me!)

Development log

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